Local SEK payments

Bank and account numbers for local SEK payments

Swedish bank numbers and account numbers

This article will help you to ensure that your customers are providing the correct Swedish account information when submitting payments. This will reduce errors and result in an improved user experience for you and your customers when using our local SEK payment route.

It displays the format and maximum number of digits required for bank numbers (also known as clearing numbers in Sweden) and account numbers, depending on which bank you’re sending payments to.

The bank number and account number should be sent in separate fields and not combined. Please note that some Swedish banks combine these beginning with the bank code followed by the account number, but they should be sent separately.

Nordea accounts where the account number is the same as the person’s national identification number always has “3300” as the bank number.

The table below includes the bank number and maximum number of digits in the account number for each of the banks.

BankBank number seriesMax number of digits in account number (excluding bank number)
Full Avanza Bank9550-95697
Bluestep Finance9680-96897
BNP Paribas Fortis9470-94797
Citibank International Plc, Sweden Branch79040-90497
Danske Bank A / S, Sweden Branch1200-1399 2400-24997
Danske Bolån1200-13997
DNB Bank ASA, Branch Sweden9190-91997
Forex Bank AB9400-94497
Commercial banks6000-69999
ICA Banks9270-92797
IKANO Banks9170-91797
Länsförsäkringar Bank9020-9029 3400-3409 9060-90697
Lån og Spar Bank Sverige9630-96397
Marginalen Bank9230-92397
Nordax Bank AB9640-96497
Nordea1100-1199 1401-2099 3000-3399 3410-49997
Nordea – Personkonto (Personal account number = social security number)330010 *
Nordea – PlusGirot9500-9549 9960-996910
Nordnet Bank9100-91097
Resurs Bank AB9280-92897
Royal Bank of Scotland9090-90997
Santander Consumer Bank AS9460-94697
SEB5000-5999 9120-9124 9130-91497
Skandiabanken AB9150-91697
Sparbanken Syd9570-957910 **
Sparbanken Öresund9300-934910 **
Swedbank When you make transfers or send a salary to Swedbank’s accounts starting with 7 – you can choose to enter the whole account number (eleven digits) or to enter three zeros between the bank number (the first four digits) and the account number.7000-79997
Swedbank and independent Sparbanker For example, Leksands Sparbank and Roslagsbanken. Swedbank has a fifth figure in bank numbers starting at 8, eg 8327-9. Please include the full 5 digits.8000-899910
Svea Bank9660-96697
Bank of Åland plc (Finland), Swedish branch2300-23997

* If you have an 11-digit account number in Nordea, the clearing number is always the first four digits of the account number. If your account number consists of your social security number (10 digits), use 3300 as the clearing number.

** For account numbers with fewer than 10 digits, Hembanken automatically adds zeros between the clearing number and the account number so that the entire account number is always 10 digits long.