Collecting Funds Worldwide

Collecting Funds Worldwide

This guide outlines all the countries and territories we can collect funds from once you or your customers are onboarded with HUBFX. 

You can collect funds from 180+ countries and territories worldwide and this list is reviewed and updated periodically in line with market and regulatory conditions. 

Åland Islands (ALA)Ghana (GHA)*Palau (PLW)
Algeria (DZA)Gibraltar (GIB)Panama (PAN)*
American Samoa (ASM)*Greece (GRC)Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Andorra (AND)Greenland (GRC)Paraguay (PRY)
Angola (AGO)Grenada (GRD)Peru (PER)*
Anguilla (AIA)Guadeloupe (GLP)Philippines (PHL)
Antigua and Barbuda (ATG)Guam (GUM)*Pitcairn (PCN)
Argentina (ARG)Guernsey (GGY)Poland (POL)
Armenia (ARM)Guinea (GIN)Portugal (PRT)
Aruba (ABW)Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HMD)Puerto Rico (PRI)
Australia (AUS)Hong Kong (HKG)Qatar (QAT)
Austria (AUT)Hungary (HUN)Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) (COG)
Azerbaijan (AZE)Iceland (ISL)Réunion (REU)
Bahamas (BHS)*India (IND)Romania (ROU)
Bahrain (BHR)Indonesia (IDN)Rwanda (RWA)
Bangladesh (BGD)Ireland (IRL)Saint Berthélemy (BLM)
Barbados (BRB)*Isle Of Man (IMN)Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan (SHN)
Belgium (BEL)Israel (ISR)Saint Martin (French part) (MAF)
Belize (BLZ)Italy (ITA)Saint Pierre and Miquelon (SPM)
Benin (BEN)Jamaica (JAM)*Samoa (WSM)*
Bermuda (BMU)Japan (JPN)San Marino (SMR)
Bhutan (BTN)Jersey (JEY)São Tomé and Principe (STP)
Bolivia (BOL)Jordan (JOR)*Saudi Arabia (SAU)
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (BES)Kazakhstan (KAZ)Serbia (SRB)
Bosnia-Herzegovina (BIH)Kenya (KEN)Seychelles (SYC)
Botswana (BWA)*Kiribati (KIR)Sierra Leone (SLE)
Bouvet Island (BVT)Kosovo (KOS)Singapore (SGP)
Brazil (BRA)Kuwait (KWT)Slovakia (SVK)
British Indian Ocean Territory (IOT)Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)Slovenia (SVN)
British Virgin Islands (VGB)Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LAO)Solomon Islands (SLB)
Brunei Darussalam (BRN)Latvia (LVA)South Africa (ZAF)
Bulgaria (BGR)Lesotho (LSO)South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGS)
Cambodia (KHM)*Liberia (LBR)South Korea (KOR)
Cameroon (CMR)Liechtenstein (LIE)Spain (ESP)
Canada (CAN)Lithuania (LTU)Sri Lanka (LKA)
Cape Verde (CPV)Luxembourg (LUX)St Kitts & Nevis (KNA)
Cayman Islands (CYM)Macau (MAC)St Lucia (LCA)
Chad (TCD)Macedonia (MKD)St Maarten (SXM)
Chile (CHL)Madagascar (MDG)St. Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT)
China (CHN)Malawi (MWI)Suriname (SUR)
Christmas Island (CXR)Malaysia (MYS)Svalbard and Mayen (SJM)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CCK)Maldives (MDV)Swaziland (SWZ)
Comoros (COM)Malta (MLT)Sweden (SWE)
Cook Islands (COK)Marshall Islands (MHL)Switzerland (CHE)
Costa Rica (CRI)Martinique (MTQ)Taiwan (TWN)
Côte D’Ivoire (CIV)Mauritania (MRT)Tajikistan (TJK)*
Croatia (HRV)Mauritius (MUS)Tanzania (TZA)*
Curacao (CUW)Mayotte (MYT)Thailand (THA)
Cyprus (CYP)Mexico (MEX)*Timor-Leste (TLS)
Czech Republic (CZE)Micronesia (FSM)Togo (TGO)
Denmark (DNK)Monaco (MCO)Tokelau (TKL)
Djibouti (DJI)Mongolia (MNG)Tonga (TON)
Dominica (DMA)Montenegro (MNE)Trinidad & Tobago (TTO)*
Ecuador (ECU)Montserrat (MSR)Tunisia (TUN)
Egypt (EGY)Morocco (MAR)*Turkey (TUR)
Equatorial Guinea (GNQ)Mozambique (MOZ)*Turks & Caicos (TCA)
Estonia (EST)Namibia (NAM)Tuvalu (TUV)
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (FLK)Nauru (NRU)Uganda (UGA)*
Faroe islands (FRO)Nepal (NPL)United Arab Emirates (ARE)
Fiji (FJI)Netherlands (NLD)United Kingdom (GBR)
Finland (FIN)Netherlands Antilles (ANT)United States (USA)
France (FRA)New Caledonia (NCL)United States Minor Outlying Islands (UMI)
French Guiana (GUF)New Zealand (NZL)United States Virgin Islands (VIR)*
French Polynesia (PYF)Niger (NER)Uruguay (URY)
French Southern Territories (ATF)Niue (NIU)Uzbekistan (UZB)
Gabon (GAB)Norfolk Island (NFK)Vatican City State (Holy See) (VAT)
Gambia (GMB)North Mariana Islands (MNP)Vietnam (VNM)
Georgia (GEO)Norway (NOR)Wallis and Futuna (WLF)
Germany (DEU)Oman (OMN)Zambia (ZMB)

*  The countries and territories marked with an asterisk require additional approval and are not available to all clients. Please speak to your Customer Success Manager or Account Manager to find out if you can apply to collect funds from these countries/territories.

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Business Office at 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR, United Kingdom

HUBFX Asia  Business Office at
100 Peck Seah St, 079333, Singapore

Business Office at 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR, United Kingdom

HUBFX Asia  Business Office at
100 Peck Seah St, 079333, Singapore

For clients based in the European Economic Area, payment services for HUBFX are provided by CurrencyCloud B.V.. Registered in the Netherlands No. 72186178. Registered Office: Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 296 – 298, Mindspace Nieuwezijds Office 001 Amsterdam. CurrencyCloud B.V. is authorised by the DNB under the Wet op het financieel toezicht to carry out the business of an electronic-money institution (Relation Number: R142701).  For clients based in the United States, payment services for HUBFX are provided by The Currency Cloud Inc. which operates in partnership with Community Federal Savings Bank (CFSB) to facilitate payments in all 50 states in the US. CFSB is registered with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC Certificate# 57129). The Currency Cloud Inc is registered with FinCEN and authorised in 39 states to transmit money (MSB Registration Number: 31000206794359). Registered Office: 104 5th Avenue, 20th Floor, New York , NY 10011. For clients based in the United Kingdom and rest of the world, payment services for HUBFX are provided by The Currency Cloud Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 06323311. Registered Office: Stewardship Building 1st Floor, 12 Steward Street London E1 6FQ. The Currency Cloud Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 for the issuing of electronic money (FRN: 900199).

Payment services for HUBFX UK and US are provided by The Currency Cloud Limited. Registered in England No. 06323311. Registered Office: Stewardship Building 1st Floor, 12 Steward Street London E1 6FQ. The Currency Cloud Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 for the issuing of electronic money (FRN: 900199) and The Currency Cloud Inc. which operates in partnership with Community Federal Savings Bank (CFSB) to facilitate payments in all 50 states in the US. CFSB is registered with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC Certificate# 57129). The Currency Cloud Inc is registered with FinCEN and authorized in 39 states to transmit money (MSB Registration Number: 31000160311064). Registered Office: 104 5th Avenue, 20th Floor, New York , NY 10011 


Payment services for HUBFX are provided by The Currency Cloud Limited. Registered in England No. 06323311. Registered Office: Stewardship Building 1st Floor, 12 Steward Street London E1 6FQ. The Currency Cloud Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 for the issuing of electronic money (FRN: 900199) and The Currency Cloud Inc. which operates in partnership with Community Federal Savings Bank (CFSB) to facilitate payments in all 50 states in the US. CFSB is registered with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC Certificate# 57129). The Currency Cloud Inc is registered with FinCEN and authorized in 39 states to transmit money (MSB Registration Number: 31000160311064). Registered Office: 104 5th Avenue, 20th Floor, New York , NY 10011 and CurrencyCloud B.V.. Registered in the Netherlands No. 72186178. Registered Office: Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 296 – 298, Mindspace Nieuwezijds Office 001 Amsterdam. CurrencyCloud B.V. is authorised by the DNB under the Wet op het financieel toezicht to carry out the business of a electronic-money institution (Relation Number: R142701)

Rates are indicative only. Please log in for getting your rates.